Ralph V. Mann Ph.D. - The Mechanics of Sprinting and Hurdling epub indir internet üzerinden

The Mechanics of Sprinting and Hurdling

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Yazar The Mechanics of Sprinting and Hurdling Ralph V. Mann Ph.D. Amber Murphy M.S.

Dr. Ralph Mann is a pioneer in conducting sports research, and using these results to produce computer-based teaching technology. An authority in the field of Sport Biomechanics, Dr. Mann has become a leader in analyzing the performance of top amateur and professional athletes.A world class Track athlete himself, Dr. Mann won 5 national championships and 3 collegiate championships in the hurdles. He set the world record in the intermediate hurdles, was ranked number one in the world numerous times, and won several international titles. In the 1972 Munich Games, he won the Olympic Silver Medal in the 400 Meter Hurdles. In 2015 he was elected to the USA Track and Field Hall of Fame.In 1982, Dr. Mann was one of the six individuals that created the Elite Athlete Program that brought sports science to USA Track and Field. Since that time, he has served as a USATF consultant for the Elite Athlete Sprint and Hurdle Program. Essentially every elite sprinter and hurdler during this time period has been biomechanically analyzed, with the goal of understanding the characteristics of great sprinters and hurdlers. This information has been used to evaluate and improve the performance of virtually every US sprint/hurdle athlete since the program’s inception. This book contains the findings of this unique effort.In the Hurdles, research on the Steps between the barriers for both the Short and Long races has been added, as well as ground breaking information on how Hurdle Technique should be taught.

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