Robert Jordan - A Memory of Light: Book Fourteen of the Wheel of Time epub indir internet üzerinden

A Memory of Light: Book Fourteen of the Wheel of Time

A Memory of Light: Book Fourteen of the Wheel of Time adlı kitabı telefonunuzda, bilgisayarınızda veya tabletinizde EPUB biçiminde okumak için "okuyucu" uygulamasını ücretsiz veya satın almanız gerekir - siz karar verin. İşlevsel olarak özgür "okuyucular" nadiren ücretli olanlara yol verir ve bazen onları aşar. Bazen daha yavaş çalışır veya reklam içerir. Ücretli uygulamalar daha güzel görünür, daha az yavaşlar, aynı işlevsellik ile telefonun belleğinde genellikle daha az yer kaplarlar. Veya Robert Jordan adresinden çevrimiçi olarak A Memory of Light: Book Fourteen of the Wheel of Time kitap okumak için bir site bulabilirsiniz. EPUB, kayan bir düzene sahip bir biçimdir, yani kitabın metni, örneğin A Memory of Light: Book Fourteen of the Wheel of Time, akıllı telefonunuzun veya tabletinizin ekran boyutuna otomatik olarak ayarlanır - manuel olarak ölçeklendirmeniz gerekmez. Son aşamada, biçim bilgisayarlar, akıllı telefonlar ve tabletler tarafından desteklenen 5.2 sürümüne güncellenir. Gutenberg Serbest Kütüphanesi, 2008 yılında A Memory of Light: Book Fourteen of the Wheel of Time gibi kitapları ve diğer basılı yayınları ve kitapları dijitalleştirmek ve saklamak için bu biçimi seçti. Yavaş yavaş, 2010'a kadar, daha önce kendi LRF uzantısını (BBeB) kullanan Sony, belgeleri bu biçime dönüştürdü. E-kitapların ve "okuyucuların" artan popülaritesi ile birlikte popülerlik kazanıyor. İlk kez 1999'da ABD'de ortaya çıktı, farklı olarak adlandırıldı - Açık eKitap Yayını (OEB). Geliştirici - Uluslararası Dijital Yayıncılık Forumu, IDPF kısaltması: Uluslararası Dijital Yayıncılık Forumu. 2007 yılında, “forum”, doğrudan “Elektronik Yayıncılık” olan ve tam anlamıyla “Elektronik Yayıncılık” olarak kısaltılan geliştirmenin son versiyonunu tanıttı.

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J. K. Rowling Outlook Verlag L.Frank Baum H. G. Wells İngilizce Almanca CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform İtalyanca Türkçe Fransızca İspanyolca J.R.R. Tolkien Independently published Orbit Independently Published; Illustrated basım George R.R. Martin Edgar Rice Burroughs Blurb
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Yazar A Memory of Light: Book Fourteen of the Wheel of Time Robert Jordan Brandon Sanderson

The Wheel of Time ® is a PBS Great American Read Selection! Now in development for TV! Since 1990, when Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time® burst on the world with its first book, The Eye of the World, readers have been anticipating the final scenes of this extraordinary saga, which has sold over forty million copies in over thirty languages. A Memory of Light is the fantastic conclusion to the internationally-bestselling epic fantasy juggernaut.The Wheel of Time turns and Ages come and go, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth returns again. In the Third Age, an Age of Prophecy, the World and Time themselves hang in the balance. What was, what will be, and what is, may yet fall under the Shadow.When Robert Jordan died in 2007, all feared that these concluding scenes would never be written. But working from notes and partials left by Jordan, established fantasy writer Brandon Sanderson stepped in to complete the masterwork. With The Gathering Storm (Book 12) and Towers of Midnight (Book 13) behind him, both of which were # 1 New York Times hardcover bestsellers, Sanderson now re-creates the vision that Robert Jordan left behind in A Memory of Light.Edited by Jordan's widow, who edited all of Jordan's books, A Memory of Light will delight, enthrall, and deeply satisfy all of Jordan's legions of readers.The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass.What was, what will be, and what is,may yet fall under the Shadow.Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time.TV series update: "Sony will produce along with Red Eagle Entertainment and Radar Pictures. Rafe Judkins is attached to write and executive produce. Judkins previously worked on shows such as ABC’s “Agents of SHIELD,” the Netflix series “Hemlock Grove,” and the NBC series “Chuck.” Red Eagle partners Rick Selvage and Larry Mondragon will executive produce along with Radar’s Ted Field and Mike Weber. Darren Lemke will also executive produce, with Jordan’s widow Harriet McDougal serving as consulting producer." —VarietyThe Wheel of Time®New Spring: The Novel#1 The Eye of the World#2 The Great Hunt#3 The Dragon Reborn#4 The Shadow Rising#5 The Fires of Heaven#6 Lord of Chaos#7 A Crown of Swords#8 The Path of Daggers#9 Winter's Heart#10 Crossroads of Twilight#11 Knife of DreamsBy Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson#12 The Gathering Storm#13 Towers of Midnight#14 A Memory of LightBy Robert Jordan Warrior of the Altaii By Robert Jordan and Teresa PattersonThe World of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of TimeBy Robert Jordan, Harriet McDougal, Alan Romanczuk, and Maria SimonsThe Wheel of Time CompanionBy Robert Jordan and Amy RomanczukPatterns of the Wheel: Coloring Art Based on Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time

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